Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I once read if u can't change a situation change what u think about it
So this is what I did
I decided to be an even better woman for the sake of my kids
Instead of looking at their fathers as worthless and with a lack of respect
I chose to love then even more for giving me lifes greatest gifts
Instead of talking shit about what they should be doing
I prayed that God have mercy as they create thei...r own ruin
The men that left me broken hearted and filled with tears
I have finally forgiven them after all these years
Learning to accept that I just was not the one and thanking them for making me the woman I have become
Refusing to keep a cold and bitter heart I realize now
That they played their part
Because until u feel the lack of love u don't recognize the real shit
You don't understand that there are certain things that u just have to deal with
Cause somebody started this fucked up rumor that real love doesn't hurt
But in all actuality that's the shit
That hurts the worst
see love and pain are one in the same
Had my head so gone I couldn't remember my name
Fighting day in and day out to keep love right
Is a million times more painful than giving up the fight
Because now the battle is within yourself
Stressin so bad u losing your health
Your hair falling out u went from a 12 to a 8
Cause love hurt so bad u couldn't eat a fourth of your plate
But in your heart you knew that was the one for you
So there was no limit to what you would do
Cause he may fuck up and I may do the same
But when someone spoke of true love all I could hear was his name
So why make things harder than they have to be? Bottom line I loved them and they loved me
So why be mad at the fact we didn't make it..that we couldn't make love last
taking aggression out on new hopefuls because of the men in my past
Id rather be thankful for the time we spent, memories made, and the places we went
learning that this isn't the end of life
But a chance to take what I've learned and make shit right
see once I changed my way of thinking it all made sense
These things were all seasonal
Meant to be past tense
from every situation I received
Wisdom and strength
I came out so much better than what I went in

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