Sunday, August 18, 2013

Coach Bags & Foodstamp Cards

I think if I see another person pull a foodstamp card out of a Coach purse I am going to scream!! This is a blatant display of how fucked the thinking of our culture is. Its like parking a Bentley in the projects the shit just dont mix!! There are levels to this shit and if you are on government assistance you are not on the coach bag level!!! I know its easy to see the latest trends and want those things, the problem is that we see them and want them right now!! That is not the right thought process to have if you see something that you want you need to research what the person that is capable of buying that item did to produce that type of income. Dont research where they bought the bag research what type of work they do and see where your talents would fit in to produce that income for you. Is not enough to be impressed with what they have you must be impressed with what they did to get those things. We have been raised to think that all you have to do is LOOK like money but what they forgot to tell you is trying to look like money leaves you with a lack thereof. They also left out the part that no matter what you have on your arent fooling anyone because as soon as you open your ratchet ass mouth we know exactly what level you are really on. Living above your means today leaves you to wake up to the same struggle tomorrow. Get your shit togther.

I'm gonna keep it real...screaming fuck how u feel!!
If you feel some type of way..its time for a change..
"Straight Drop"


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